香港教育大学 The Education University of Hong Kong
国家/地区: 中国香港
建校时间: 1994
地理位置: 香港新界大埔露屏路十号
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香港教育大学(简称:教大;英语:The Education University of Hong Kong,缩写 EdUHK)是香港以师范教育为本的大学,前称为香港教育学院,是八间大学教育资助委员会辖下的法定公立大学之一,为京港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、沪港大学联盟成员。
香港教育大学为香港特区资助的高等学府,致力透过提供师训教育,以及社会科学和人文科学多元学术及研究课程,推动教与学的发展。 该校致力培育敏於思考、关怀社会及放眼世界的教育工作者及社会,使之能够服务社区,推动变革。其尤著重研究实力 — 积极促进研究发展,知识、学术及创新,务求对社会与人类发展,作出不懈的贡献。 香港教育大学矢志成为教育大学先导,为香港以至亚太地区的教育发展奠定基础,作出贡献。
Megami Yaohana (Indonesia)
With Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education)
Hi! I am Megami, a sophomore from the BEd ECE (Early Childhood Education) programme. I am a nineteen year old girl from Indonesia. While I have diverse hobbies that range from cycling to singing in KTVs, I am most passionate about experiencing new things. I love going to new places, learning new languages, meeting new people, and engaging in new cultures – there is something about novelty that thrills me to the bone. Being in continual motion makes me feel at home.
My first ever dream job was to be a babysitter; I have always had a soft spot for children, even as a child myself. Aside from the obvious cuteness, children to me are curious and wondrous beings. Every child is like a new experience: so much is unknown, yet so much potential can manifest. This sentiment has grown into an impetus that has compelled me to pursue my current degree. Instead of only taking care of children physically, I have aimed to help them further explore and develop themselves by becoming an educator. This is by no means an easy endeavor, but I am honestly enjoying the journey of learning about Early Childhood Education; it is something I can picture myself undertaking for the rest of my life.
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