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2021年度世界大学排名 麻省独占榜首

更新时间:2020-08-31 12:09:03 来源:新航道留学

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  QS世界大学排名(英语:QS世界大学排名;简称QS排名),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。排名包括主要的世界大学综合排名和学科排名。另外,QS还推出了两个独立的地区性排名,即《QS亚洲大学排名》及《QS亚洲大学排名》,而这两个地区排名的规范在某些方面都与原本主要的世界大学排名有所不同。

  下面新航道前程留学为您盘点2021年度世界大学排名 麻省独占鳌头

Ranking University English Name Country/Region Academic Reputation Employer Reputation Faculty Student International Faculty International Students Citations per Faculty Overall Score
01 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States 100 100 100 100 91.9 99.1 100
2 Stanford University United States 100 100 100 99.7 63.6 98.1 98.4
3 Harvard University United States 100 100 98.6 85.2 69.9 99.1 97.9
4 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States 97 82.8 100 100 88.2 99.9 97
5 牛津大学University of Oxford United Kingdom 100 100 100 99.4 98.3 81.3 96.7
6 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland 98.7 96.6 80.8 100 97.9 96.4 95
7 剑桥大学University of Cambridge United Kingdom 100 100 100 100 97.4 69.2 94.3
8 帝国理工学院Imperial College London United Kingdom 98.5 99.8 99.9 100 100 68.6 93.6
9 University of Chicago United States 99.4 91.3 94.4 67.1 82.6 86.3 93.1
10 伦敦大学学院University College London United Kingdom 99.4 98.3 98.4 99.3 100 65.4 92.9
11 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore 99.7 98.4 90.7 100 71.4 72.9 91.5
12 Princeton University United States 99.9 99 68.6 71.6 65.6 100 91
13 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) Singapore 89.8 89.8 91.5 100 67.6 89 89.9
14 EPFL Switzerland 80.4 80 96.3 100 100 98.5 89.6
15 Tsinghua University China (Mainland) 98.2 98.6 93.3 55.3 29.7 83.2 89.2
16 University of Pennsylvania United States 96.1 91.5 100 88.7 65.3 63.8 88.6
17 Yale University United States 99.9 100 100 85.3 54.5 52.8 88
18 Cornell University United States 98.5 90.9 63.7 93.7 70 88.6 87.6
19 Columbia University United States 99.7 97.3 100 37.2 96.3 48.5 86.5
20 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 98 95.4 83.1 98.2 99 50.2 85.8
21 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor United States 98.9 92.7 89.4 74.8 41.3 58 84.6
22 The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR 98.1 76.3 83.8 100 98.9 48 83.7
23 Peking University China (Mainland) 99.2 99.1 76.4 69.7 34.3 64.9 83.5
24 The University of Tokyo Japan 100 99.6 92.3 10.7 26.1 62.5 83.2
25 Johns Hopkins University United States 86.7 47 100 66.3 87.7 75.9 82.7
25 University of Toronto Canada 99.3 96.8 70.3 97.9 94.1 45.8 82.7
27 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong SAR 85.2 63.6 66.7 100 88.9 92.1 82.1
27 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester United Kingdom 95.3 97.4 72.7 92.9 98.8 48.4 82.1
29 Northwestern University United States 85.1 74.4 99.7 57.9 45.3 72.3 81.5
30 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States 100 99.9 21.3 94.9 39.7 96.9 80.8
31 The Australian National University Australia 95.6 77.6 40.1 100 99.6 77.8 80
31 伦敦国王学院King's College London United Kingdom 88.9 81.1 83.1 98.4 99.9 46.4 80
31 McGill University Canada 92.3 94.1 67.5 90.5 96.3 51.8 80
34 Fudan University China (Mainland) 84.7 92.5 90.9 93.1 46.3 55.7 79.9
35 New York University (NYU) United States 95.8 96.5 96.7 37.3 93 25.8 79.4
36 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States 100 99.7 42 47.3 32.6 81.9 79.2
37 Seoul National University South Korea 97.9 95.9 87.9 18.6 11.6 53.7 79
38 Kyoto University Japan 98.6 96.9 95 16 19.8 42.6 78.9
39 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology South Korea 86.8 82.2 70 24.7 9.7 97.4 78.6
40 The University of Sydney Australia 97.4 95.3 21.4 100 100 69.6 77.1
41 The University of Melbourne Australia 99.1 97.3 18.8 97.4 100 65.4 76.5
42 Duke University United States 88.2 85.3 100 5.9 58 44.7 76.4
43 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Hong Kong SAR 90.3 53.1 59.2 100 91.5 62.6 75.8
44 The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) Australia 91.1 94.9 16.7 100 99.2 78.4 75.4
45 University of British Columbia Canada 97.1 89.6 53.1 89.5 78.8 37.4 74.8
46 The University of Queensland Australia 89 78.2 23.8 100 99.9 79.6 74.5
47 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China (Mainland) 82.5 90.9 60.4 64 30.2 75.4 74.4
48 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR 61.5 32.8 88.9 100 99 91.2 74.3
49 The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom 75.8 99.6 41.9 100 100 74 73.9
50 Technical University of Munich Germany 83.8 98.5 89.7 63.4 84.7 22.4 73.6
51 Carnegie Mellon University United States 73.3 72.4 51 65.3 99.4 89.8 73.4
52 Université PSL France 75.5 97.5 100 64.5 68.4 31.6 73.3
53 Zhejiang University China (Mainland) 69.3 91.1 90 98.1 74.2 40 71.9
54 University of California, San Diego (UCSD) United States 91.9 50.4 61.3 59.9 64.3 52.7 71.2
55 Monash University Australia 90 88.7 14.1 100 100 64.2 70.9
56 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) Japan 73.3 90.4 83.4 27.6 28 62.6 70.8
57 Delft University of Technology Netherlands 70.7 87.9 43.9 99.8 85.6 75.8 70.7
58 布里斯托大学University of Bristol United Kingdom 75.5 82.9 70.8 91.5 80.6 44.8 70.6
59 Universiti Malaya (UM) Malaysia 74.1 84.6 82.1 68.7 44.5 47.7 70.1
60 Brown University United States 60.2 58.1 82 82.9 53.4 82.3 70
61 University of Amsterdam Netherlands 82.3 55.6 35.4 84.5 61.6 83.3 69.9
61 Ecole Polytechnique France 41.8 98.7 99.8 95.8 99 65.8 69.9
62 华威大学The University of Warwick United Kingdom 74.3 92 47.8 98.1 99.2 51.4 69
63 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany 92.9 80.7 49.1 57.6 36.2 43.9 68.9
64 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Germany 80.6 41.8 99.1 52.3 49.5 34.2 68.6
65 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 85.6 49.5 72.7 34.7 27.6 54.9 68.2
66 National Taiwan University (NTU) Taiwan 91.8 87.5 38.7 19.1 38.7 54.8 67.5
66 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Argentina 88.3 90.8 77.9 60.4 71.8 2.5 67.5
69 Korea University South Korea 75.2 91.7 84.9 15 53.3 35.4 67.1
69 University of Zurich Switzerland 59.7 60.6 98 100 59.8 45.9 67.1
71 University of Texas at Austin United States 94 83.4 12.4 6.5 16.2 84 66.7
72 Osaka University Japan 80.1 79.6 78.9 20.3 14 41.3 66.1
72 University of Washington United States 85.9 49 13.7 39.7 39.5 98.8 66.1
74 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia 77.3 82.8 99.8 20.1 76.8 7.4 65.9
75 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong SAR 66.3 40.8 78 100 80.2 51 65.8
76 University of Copenhagen Denmark 72.8 38.7 100 91.8 26.5 31.2 65.5
77 Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) South Korea 43 54.6 99.9 33.8 3 98.7 64.6
77 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow United Kingdom 73 66.8 60.4 93.8 97.1 33.5 64.6
79 Tohoku University Japan 69.3 72.4 98.1 11.8 16.9 39.6 64.3
80 Georgia Institute of Technology United States 68.8 76.4 9.2 71 64.8 99.9 64.1
81 The University of Auckland New Zealand 84.9 55.9 25.4 97.6 94.5 47 64
82 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States 87.4 52.1 10.8 18.8 60.4 83.7 63.4
83 Sorbonne University France 90.1 47.4 38.9 34 57.1 49.3 63.3
84 KU Leuven Belgium 83.4 55.5 9.4 90.7 36.1 77.5 63
85 Yonsei University South Korea 68.3 87.7 85.1 12.1 45.3 31 62.5
86 杜伦大学Durham University United Kingdom 58 90.2 33.1 97.9 88.7 68.3 62.2
87 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham United Kingdom 64.4 72.6 52.5 93.4 87.9 45.4 62
88 Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) South Korea 60.2 75.6 84.9 20.1 39.3 47.7 61.5
89 Rice University United States 39.6 25.3 80.8 88.8 92 87.5 61.4
90 南安普顿大学University of Southampton United Kingdom 50.9 52.9 66.8 97.6 93.5 61.7 61.3
91 利兹大学University of Leeds United Kingdom 70.6 78.1 46 84.7 81.3 36.7 61.2
92 The University of Western Australia Australia 61.1 52.7 19 100 99.6 85.7 61
93 谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield United Kingdom 61.4 58.6 62.2 85.3 96 42.8 60.8
93 University of Science and Technology of China China (Mainland) 53.9 19.9 77.7 24.1 6.1 99.2 60.8
95 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill United States 68.1 49.7 84.4 32.6 10.5 44.8 60.6
96 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews United Kingdom 46 61.1 67.6 98.4 99.8 60.2 60.3
97 Lund University Sweden 70 50.9 53.6 92.3 69 39.9 60.2
98 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 46.2 63.6 64.8 98.3 57.4 68 59.5
99 诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham United Kingdom 60 71.6 47.7 90.8 83.5 46.4 59
100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico 93.3 90.9 52.9 9.9 3.6 4 58.8



标签: QS世界大学排名




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