01、Are there any questions that you would have liked us to have asked you?
02、Describe the sound of silence.
03、Do you have political views?
04、Do you think that you are smart?
05、Do you think that you can cope with the heavy workload here? What gives you this confidence?
06、How should we measure your success at the end of your time here?
07、How will your experiences from your sport benefit your future studies?
08、How would you describe this painting on the wall to your friend over the phone?
09、If you could change one thing on the planet now what would you change?
10、If you could have dinner with anybody from history, who would it be and why?
11、If you could have one superpower which one would it be and why?
12、If you had to choose to be a character from a book, who would you want to be?
13、In which circumstances would you toss a coin to make a decision?
14、Of which life achievement are you most proud?
15、Should you be allowed to use your smartphone during this interview?
16、Studying here is very intense, how will you manage your time to deal with all of the work?
17、Tell me about a recent magazine article that has interested you.
18、Tell me about a recent news article not related to your subject that has interested you.
19、Tell me about your life and how it is that you have come to sit in this chair?
20、What are you looking forward to the least at this college/university?
21、What are your long term plans for life?
22、What are your top three skills?
23、What did you read this morning? Yesterday evening?
24、What do you expect to get out of this degree?
25、What do you know about the course structure?
26、What do you think that you could personally contribute to college life?
27、What have you done in the past that makes you think that you are well equipped to deal with the stresses of university life here?
28、What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your life and how did you dealt with it?
29、What is your biggest strength?
30、What is your biggest weakness?
31、What is your favourite colour?
32、What is your favourite number?
33、What makes you think that this university will be a good fit for you?
34、What makes you want to come to here given that you would almost certainly be the top student at any other university?
35、What was the most recent TV programme you watched?