1. 圣保罗女子学校-史密斯St Paul's girls' School- Hammersmith
2. 威克姆阿贝学校Wycombe Abbey School- Buckinghamshire
3. 北伦敦学院North London Collegiate School - Edgware
4. 圣保罗学校St Paul's School- London
5. 威斯敏斯特学校Westminster School- London
6. 莫德林学院学校Magdalen College School
7. 卡迪夫学院Cardiff Sixth Form College
8. 埃琳诺霍莉斯女子学校Lady Eleanor Holles School - Richmond
9. 牛津中学Oxford High School GDST
10. 南汉普斯德中学South Hampstead High School
11.威辛顿女子学校Withington girls School- Manchester
12.哈博戴斯阿斯克女校Haberdashers' Aske's School for - Elstree
13.哈博戴斯阿斯克男子学校Haberdashers' Aske's boys' School - Elstree
14.皇家文法学校 Royal Grammar School- Guildford
15.圣奥尔本斯女子中学St Albans High School
16.伊顿公学Eton College
17.拉夫堡中学Loughborough High School
18.伦敦城市女子学校City of London School
19.圣斯威辛学校 St Swithun's School- Winchester
20.布莱顿学院Brighton Colleg
21.吉尔福德女子高中Guildford High School
22. 圣约翰学院St John's College- Cardiff
23. 佩斯学校Perse Upper School- Cambridge
24. 麦钱特泰勒斯学校Merchant Taylors'School - Northwood
25. 赖默中学Latymer Upper School- Hammersmith
26. 圣奥尔本斯中学St Albans School
27.曼彻斯特文理学校 Manchester Grammar School
28. 汉普顿学校Hampton School -Middlesex
29. 圣玛丽学校St Mary's School- Ascot
30. 汤布里奇学校Tonbridge School- Kent
31. 艾琳学校Alleyn's School- Dulwich
32. 切尔腾纳女子学院Cheltenham Ladies'College
33. 哈罗公学Harrow School
34. 汉普斯特德学院University College School - Hampstead
35. 詹姆斯艾伦女子学校James Allen's School - Dulwich
36. 曼彻斯特女子高中Manchester High School
37. 协和学院Concord College- Shrewsbury
38. 凯特汉姆中学Caterham School
39. 圣海伦学校St Helen's -Northwood
40. 圣海伦和圣凯瑟琳学校School of St HelenandSt Katharine - Abingdon
41. 温布尔登中学Wimbledon High School GDST
42. 中央纽卡斯尔中学Central Newcastle High School GDST
43. 拉德利中学Radley College - Abingdon
44. 诺丁山和伊林高中Notting Hill &Ealing High School
45. 德威学院Dulwich College
46. 圣凯瑟琳学校St Catherine'sSchool - Guildford
47. 戈多尔芬学校Godolphin & Latymer School - Hammersmith
48. 圣玛丽中学St Mary's School - Calne
49. 皇家文法学校Royal Grammar School- Newcastle
50. 诺丁汉高中Nottingham High School